What Comes First, Cardio or Weight Lifting

Mixing up your fitness routine is one of the best ways to target multiple muscles, burn fat, and improve your body’s cardiovascular system. From dumbbells, body weight, kettlebells, spinning, treadmills, or ellipticals, a common concern is over which type of exercise to perform first: cardio vs. weightlifting. Cardio after weightlifting has been the general rule for many fitness junkies, since weight lifting requires more exertion of energy from our bodies and most fat burning comes from the building of muscle, while performing cardio first may deplete our energy sources.
What Comes First, Cardio or Weight Lifting

New research suggests that it makes no difference which routine you begin with. In a recent study, volunteers rode a stationary bicycle with only one leg initially. Once they were done they did resistance training using both legs. The results showed that both legs had grown equally stronger. A 2012 study showed that both riding a stationary bike and resistance training cause distinct muscle responses when done separately. However, when both were done together, both muscle responses were present regardless of which form of exercise was done first.


Workday Arms Challenge

Workday arm challenge requires a stable chair and you! You can either do all reps at once or break them up throughout the day. Let’s work to define our arms.

Workday Arms Challenge


1. 100 Tricep Dips
2. 50 push-ups(the video below demonstrates 3 variations)

More Fitness On: >> Workday Arms Challenge <<

7 Day Ab Challenge

Beautifully defined abs are possible for anyone and at any age. For the next 7 days, you will be doing workouts designed to challenge you and your midsection. There’s more to creating toned and defined abs than crunches…a lot more, read on. After completion of this 7-day challenge, continue doing an ab routine 3 times weekly on non-consecutive days.

7 Day Ab Challenge

For additional tips on uncovering those muscles and getting some gorgeous abs, follow these 7 recommendations:

More Fitness On: >> 7 Day Ab Challenge <<

7-Minute Flat Belly Workout

We have the flat belly workout solution. This super awesome, uber-targeted 7-Minute Flat Belly Workout will leave you feeling slim and trim. And even better? The endorphins it generates will keep a smile on your face and spring in your step. What better way to show off your new trim midriff than with a sassy attitude and confident outlook, right? So what are you waiting for? Let’s do this!

7-Minute Flat Belly Workout

Not only is our 7-Minute Flat Belly Workout super effective, it’s super simple too. It’s a flat belly workout and an anti-workout excuse-buster all rolled into one. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Just scan below for proof. You can pretty much do this quick workout anytime, anywhere. And we’ve included easy-to-follow instructional videos to inspire and energize. 

More Fitness On: 7-Minute Flat Belly Workout

How To Tighten Skin After Weight Loss

We all feel a sense of pride and accomplishment as our healthy eating and our active lifestyles lead to fat burning and weight loss. Our clothing fits better, and our confidence soars. But some of us experience an unexpected side effect of weight loss in the form of loose, sagging skin.

How To Tighten Skin After Weight Loss

Loose skin often presents itself on our bellies, in our underarm area, on our tricep area, and on our necks. If you’d like to firm and tighten skin after weight loss, our tips will allow you to gradually smooth your skin, getting you the look you’ve been working toward.

6 Exercises that Target Upper & Lower Abs

There are few more stubborn areas for women than the abs, but luckily for you, we have a solution! This workout will target your upper and lower abs as well as your obliques, a total core workout. You’ll see results as you blast fat and expose that six-pack, and you’ll reap the added benefit of stabilizing your spine.

6 Exercises that Target Upper & Lower Abs

Your core is made up of three layers. The deep or innermost layer is made up of small muscles that span a single vertebrae, the middle layer consists of muscle that encompass the lower area of the spine, providing stabilization, and the outermost layer consists of powerful, large muscles that are primarily responsible for generating force, and thus movement.  This workout will challenge all layers of your core for a thorough and complete workout that prevents injury, creates the defined look you’re after, and enables you to have a strong mid-section to build the rest of your workouts upon!

How to Run Faster

If you’ve been running for awhile, at some point the runner’s high starts to hit you. Once you get into that zone, you’ll want to run longer and faster. Without proper training, our bodies tend to stay stuck on a plateau. We’ve created this guide on how to run faster to help you take minutes away from your run time.

How to Run Faster

1. Hit Those Hills

Even if you’re running at a steady pace, running up hills will change your body’s conditioning. Try working on hill training 1 out of every 3 days you run. The harder you push up those hills, the stronger your legs will become. Once you start mastering those hills, you’ll scale minutes off your flat run.

More Fitness On: How to Run Faster

HIIT Workout Calendar

Why workout for an hour when you can accomplish your goals in less than half the time? If you’re not familiar with High Intensity Interval Training, you may have been missing out. HIIT routines combine the muscular benefits of weightlifting with the cardio benefits of endurance exercises such as running or spinning. The end result is a workout which makes you stronger but also leaves your metabolism on overdrive, allowing you to burn fat throughout the day.

HIIT Workout Calendar

This calendar focuses on HIIT workouts to give you fat blasting and body toning results in just 4 weeks. You’ll be sweating, sore, and out of breath, but most importantly, you’ll notice an amazing change once the 4 weeks are up. Each week has a variety of 6 HIIT workouts all meant to target various areas of your body. Some workouts focus on specific body parts which will give you an amazing burn, but the circuit exercises will be the real challenge!

More Fitness On: HIIT Workout Calendar

Best 3 Workouts to Melt Your Muffin Top

Muffin tops are resilient! No matter how clean we eat and how often we exercise, love handles refuse to shape up. No longer! The Best 3 Workouts to Melt Your Muffin Top are easy, short, and intense just what you need to get your body flushing fat. There’s no time wasted with these workouts. 

Best 3 Workouts to Melt Your Muffin Top

We know how precious your time is. Start with the routine you’re most comfortable with. Mix it up. You’ll feel amazing and keep your metabolism working to melt that fat away.

1. 8 Exercises to Blast Muffin Top Fat
Burn fat all over with this fast paced, muscle toning workout.

Inferno - 4 Minute Fat Burn

Bodyweight workouts are often high intensity with fat burning and muscle toning results.  No dumbbells or barbells required…just you and an interval timer. Inferno 4 Minute Fat Burn targets the lower body and is exactly as it sounds, it BURNS!

Inferno - 4 Minute Fat Burn

Equipment Needed: Interval timer.

What to Do: Perform each move for 20 seconds and rest 10 seconds after each one. Complete two circuits. Review the videos below for demonstrations of each exercise.

More Fitness On: Inferno - 4 Minute Fat Burn

10-Minute Metabolism Booster

Feeling a little sluggish? Has your metabolism slowed to a crawl? Whenever these symptoms appear, just whip out the 10-Minute Metabolism Booster Workout. The faster your metabolism, the more fat you’ll burn. It’s really that simple. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

10-Minute Metabolism Booster

All you need is a set of light weights and a free interval timer app download. You can do the metabolism booster almost anytime or anywhere! Just work your way through from the beginner to the advanced rounds and begin to notice your metabolism speeding up. Metabolism-boosting workouts can be complicated, but we’ve simplified the process so you can maximize results! So what are you waiting for?

More Fitness On: 10-Minute Metabolism Booster

28-Day Get Fit Workout Program

Ready for a new fitness challenge? Develop strong, lean muscles with our 28-Day Get Fit Program!

28-Day Get Fit Workout Program

This 28-day workout program focuses on weightlifting and bodyweight training. It’s specifically designed to create all-over tone. Building lean muscle will make you stronger and help you shed inches from your waistline. Weightlifting has been linked to increased metabolic rates. When you build muscle, you burn calories without ever stepping on a treadmill.

7-Minute Butt Lifting Workout

Butt been feelin’ a little bit down in the dumps? Maybe the droopy booty’s in need of a little lift? No problem! SkinnyMs. has the perfect 7-Minute Butt Lifting Workout to put your behind back up where it belongs. Many butt-lift workouts might seem too hard or overwhelmingly complex. Fear not. We have the princess of all glute workouts. She’s fierce and effective, yet gentle and kind. Ready to hear more? Read on below!

7-Minute Butt Lifting Workout

SkinnyMs. has cleverly set this 7-minute butt lifting workout up so that it leaves very little room for confusion and pretty much ZERO room for excuses. It’s short and sweet and requires very little equipment: just a set of dumbbells, a free interval timer app (try Gymboss), and your booty. Need a little extra convincing? Try taking a photo of your behind today. Then follow this workout for a week and take another photo at the end. Looking a little perkier? Even just a tad? Keep going! It only gets better from there.

7-Minute Butt Lifting Workout

Butt been feelin’ a little bit down in the dumps? Maybe the droopy booty’s in need of a little lift? No problem! SkinnyMs. has the perfect 7-Minute Butt Lifting Workout to put your behind back up where it belongs. Many butt-lift workouts might seem too hard or overwhelmingly complex. Fear not. We have the princess of all glute workouts. She’s fierce and effective, yet gentle and kind. Ready to hear more? Read on below!

SkinnyMs. has cleverly set this 7-minute butt lifting workout up so that it leaves very little room for confusion and pretty much ZERO room for excuses. It’s short and sweet and requires very little equipment: just a set of dumbbells, a free interval timer app (try Gymboss), and your booty. Need a little extra convincing? Try taking a photo of your behind today. Then follow this workout for a week and take another photo at the end. Looking a little perkier? Even just a tad? Keep going! It only gets better from there.

9 Bicep Sculpting Moves For Sexy Arms

In an effort to look fabulous in our bathing suits, we tend to focus more on our lower body trouble spots and often neglect our arms. However, if you’re ready for beautiful biceps, all you need to get your guns in gear are some dumbbells and these nine killer bicep exercises!

9 Bicep Sculpting Moves For Sexy Arms

1. Dumbbell Curls: Keeping your elbows at your sides, slowly curl weights toward your chest and back down. Click here to see this move.

30 Day Tricep Challenge

A lot can change in 30 days. 30 days is 4 weeks, and 4 weeks of hard work brings results, especially if you concentrate on one specific area. Strong, sexy, toned triceps. You want them. You need them. We have them for you. Put your order in now and in 30 days we’ll deliver them right to your bed when you wake up.

30 Day Tricep Challenge

This 30-day challenge is going to take everything out of your triceps. All muscles provide a different type of burning sensation when you workout, and triceps are one of our favorites. Being the bigger muscle compared to the bicep, there is so much untapped strength and potential in the tricep. Once you wrap up, you’ll see how firm and toned your triceps are, and you’ll love every second of that burn! Three workouts a week for 30 days. That’s 12 work days and 16 rest days. Make sure you work hard!

More Fitness On:  >> 30 Day Tricep Challenge <<

Tricep Tone it Up Workout for All Fitness Levels

Tone up your triceps! Everyone wants powerful, well-defined, and sculpted arms.  Triceps make up roughly 2/3 of the muscle mass in your arms, so strengthening them should be your number one priority if you’re looking to score beautiful arms before warmer weather arrives. The Tricep Tone it Up Workout, for all fitness levels, will give you the challenge you need to earn a pair of toned and defined arms without that underarm jiggle.

Tricep Tone it Up Workout for All Fitness Levels

Equipment Needed: One set of dumbbells of medium weight(think 8-12 lbs).

What to Do:  Choose the fitness level below for a customized workout. Review the videos below for demonstrations of each exercise. For optimal results, perform the Tricep Tone it Up Challenge two times weekly on non-consecutive days. This routine is meant to be a challenge, so prepare for some noodly arms when you’re through with your first workout.

HIIT Workout Playlist

Slow and steady workouts drag on and miss opportunities to burn fat. HIIT workouts are quick and intense, and boost your metabolism for hours afterward, ensuring that you continue to burn fat efficiently. 

HIIT Workout Playlist

These workouts combine muscle toning, strength building, and fat blasting to give you the perfect workout balance. Fast workouts need fast paced, high BPM music. This HIIT playlist is a perfect companion for any HIIT Workout.

More Fitness On: HIIT Workout Playlist

Jump Rope Tabata Challenge

You ask, and we deliver! These are not only jump roping exercises, but a Tabata challenge, combining one of the best cardiovascular exercises with one of the greatest fitness models out there. Jump roping is an excellent exercise because it easily contributes to weight loss, as you will burn about 13 calories per minute. 

Jump Rope Tabata Challenge

Jump roping also increases cardiovascular fitness giving you a greater ability to perform daily tasks and become less fatigued during exercise as well. Lastly, jump roping improves muscle tone in your lower body and legs. Coordination is also improved as you become more and more accustomed to the synchronization it takes to complete the movement. This isn’t just a regular jump rope challenge, this jump rope tabata workout lasts 7 days and has 3 levels, so get ready to become a jump roping pro by the end of this routine!

More Fitness On: Jump Rope Tabata Challenge

5 Moves to Lose Lower Belly Bulge

Battling lower belly bulge is a tricky feat, even for health enthusiasts. The pesky fat builds up around your abdominal wall, covers your midsection, and connects to your pelvis. Women everywhere have hunted for effective tummy-flattening solutions for ages.

5 Moves to Lose Lower Belly Bulge

SkinnyMs. is here with a solution! These 5 Moves to Lose Lower Belly Bulge target key abdominal muscles to maximize belly-burn and yield real results. By performing these exercises 3 times a week, you’ll be on the road to a bulge-less bod and bust out those crop tops in no time!

30 Day Pilates Plank Challenge

Get ready to walk to the plank! Achieve total body toning through Pilates Plank exercises, with an emphasis on core strength and stability. Gain balance and condition your core with this plank challenge, and work your core muscles for a lean and strong body.

30 Day Pilates Plank Challenge

Equipment Needed: yoga mat; interval timer.

What to Do: Perform each exercise  for the amount of time suggested based on your fitness level. Review videos below for demonstrations of each exercise. Perform this routine three times weekly for 30 days.  Add 5 seconds to exercises each time performed. (15 seconds plank, 20 seconds elbow plank, 25 second…). Rest 15 seconds after each exercise

How To Get A Six Pack in 6 Moves

When you see a fellow fitness addict at the gym with gorgeous, toned six pack abs, do you feel a twinge of envy? Are you working your core but not quite seeing the results you long for? Our six pack workout will carve out a set of washboard abs in just six efficient moves.

How To Get A Six Pack in 6 Moves

Equipment Needed: yoga mat, interval timer (Gymboss is a free app)

What to Do: Perform each exercise for the duration of time indicated below, depending on your fitness level. Repeat 3 times. Rest 30 seconds between rounds, but do not rest in between exercises. Perform this routine 3-4 times per week for quicker results.

How to Build Leg Muscle in 5 Moves

In shorts or bikinis, powerful legs always make a statement. Although some of us enjoy a lean and toned lower body, others enjoy having definition and growth in our legs. In order to achieve those results, you’re going to need to isolate your muscles. Our guide to building leg muscle is the perfect way to bulk up and make your legs a pair of powerhouses.

How to Build Leg Muscle in 5 Moves

Equipment Needed: medium-heavy dumbbells (12-20 lbs), bench/chair

What to Do: Perform each exercise for 12 reps. For alternating exercises, doing your left and right equals 1 rep. For exercise 4 and 5 complete both sides of your leg before moving on. Rest 1 minute after each exercise. Perform this workout twice a week on non-consecutive days.

5 Tips for A Better Workout

If you are going to the gym routinely, but not seeing the results you would like, your workout habits might be to blame. From having the right shoes, to eating the right foods, small changes to your exercise regime can help you get the most out of your time at the gym so that you don’t waste time or effort. These small changes make a big difference. We’ve put together our top 5 fitness tips for getting a better, more effective workout.

5 Tips for A Better Workout

1. Go to the gym with a plan. 
You might be surprised at how much time is wasted standing around, deciding what to do next. Having a plan before heading to the gym can make your workouts shorter and more effective. It will keep you from wasting time and it will guide you through an efficient routine.

More Fitness On: 5 Tips for A Better Workout

Best Exercises To Get Rid Of Upper Back Pain

What could be worse than back pain which does not allow a person to stand, sit, walk or even sleep in peace?

Best Exercises To Get Rid Of Upper Back Pain

Surgeries and medicines are temporary solutions, but a proper exercise regime is the only thing that can keep it away in the long run. An exercise regime must be prepared as strengthening the muscles and nerves gives your body a boost & helps you to stay fit. In today’s fast-paced and stress riddled world, exercises have been modified & altered to best suit people & their needs.

6-Week Flat Belly Program

6-Week Flat Belly Program

You know that woman at the gym with the gorgeous, shredded abs? The one who never seems self-conscious in her workout gear? If you’ve got ab envy, we have the solution. Our 6 Weeks Flat Abs Program will transform your belly with just six weeks of workouts that will challenge and motivate you.

This 6-week program delivers visible results quickly, and can be performed at home or at the gym.  Perfect for any fitness level!

Regardless of your age, weight, or fitness level, our program will have you advancing each week on the road to flat, lean abs.

Detailed workout schedule for every week including rest, cardio and non-ab days.

More Fitness On: 6-Week Flat Belly Program

5 Honey Combinations For Weight Loss

Losing weight can be difficult, but you’re using a few natural ingredients stimulate your metabolism to burn fat faster deposits. Here are some ways you can use honey to get rid of unwanted pounds.

5 Honey Combinations For Weight Loss

1. Cinnamon and honey

Cinnamon honey combined with a great digestive agent, helps metabolism that much needed impetus. All you have to do is take a spoon of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey to add. If Consume regularly, this mix can make wonders when it comes to weight loss.

7 Reasons You Fail To Lose Weight No Matter How Hard You Try

Body weight is a baffling subject that always manages to find its way into each one of the seven billion lives on planet earth. If you are too fat, then you want to be thin; if you are too slim, then you are looking for ways to add some pounds. It’s almost like a vicious circle, going around food and exercise. 

7 Reasons You Fail To Lose Weight No Matter How Hard You Try

And even when you have got your routine going with the right workout and a decent diet, you may not be shedding off as much weight as you should, and that could be quite frustrating. Odds are that one or all of these reasons are getting in the way of your weight goals.

29 Proven Ways to lose Belly Fat

Want to lose belly fat! Losing weight is no simple task, and performing it the healthy way can be even harder. Don’t worry! Read this article you will get best ways to lose belly fat.

29 Proven Ways to lose Belly Fat

Top 29 Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat:

1. Eat Snacks:
Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Intake less than 3 times a day might benefit those who are obese, however research shows skipping meals all through the day plus eating one large meal at night can guide to some unwanted outcomes.

2. Salt Matters:
Evade salted products like package food, pickles chips, plus junk food. The preserved foods enclose added salt. Salt is extremely bad for the body, as it cause water retention, plus owing to this it make you look swollen.

50 incredibly Easy Ways to Lose Weight 1kg

Did you know that in 1 kg of fat is about 7,700 calories? This means that for a person decrease a 1 kg of fat needs to “spend” 7,700 calories through physical activities and / or through changes in diet.

50 incredibly Easy Ways to Lose Weight 1kg

Indeed, it is not little! But it’s entirely possible.

For those who want to lose 1 kg in a month, it is recommended to decrease approximately 256 calories daily, which is not that hard: walk an easy pace one hour a day is a great tip for this! The results surely will come to the end of month!

Where Does Your Fat Go When You Lose Weight

It is quite common to have a diet plan always at hand to calculate our daily calorie intake and output because if it is not in a proper ratio, we will end up having bulges and folds in all possible places on our body. If we really do change from plus sizes to size zero, have you ever wondered where all this fat goes?

Where Does Your Fat Go When You Lose Weight

Putting an end to all myths about this, Prof. Andrew Brown from the University of New South Wales has come up with the latest findings that the fat evaporates from the body as carbon dioxide to get mixed up in the atmosphere again. The former physicist and Australian TV celeb Ruben Meerman also supports this view, and the duos’ findings have been brought out to the public by the British Medical Journal.

How To Lose Weight From Hips

Life would be wonderful if losing weight was as easy as gaining it! Isn’t it? Well, everyone does have dreams and sometimes it can go a little overboard, like losing weight without struggling. If losing weight is considered impossible in your dictionary, then what would you say about getting rid of love handles?

How To Lose Weight From Hips

Though for many that’s where fat deposit begins, when trying to lose weight, it is the last point of impact. This is surely unfortunate as love handles are considered unattractive and, keeps jutting out no matter how hard one tries to tuck it in.

More Fitness On: How To Lose Weight From Hips

2 Weeks to an ABSolutely Amazing Core

We’ve got good news and bad news: The good news is that you can significantly improve your abs (or any part of your body) in just two weeks. The bad news is that it doesn’t come without sacrifice… but you already knew that, right? Theodore Roosevelt said it best when he said, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…” We get it Teddy; no pain, no gain.

2 Weeks to an ABSolutely Amazing Core

I never really took into account how a single meal could make me look significantly better or worse until I was talking to my good friend, nationally ranked figure competitor, Tara Zito. She was describing how after her “cheat” meal she looks three months pregnant. If one meal could convert her perfect physique to second trimester roundness, then what effect is one meal having on me? The truth is a lot especially if that meal is heavy with salt and carbohydrates.

Kettlebell HIIT Workout

Kettlebell HIIT Workout

Grab your kettlebell and make some room. This 10-minute circuit will fire up the glutes in 60-second bursts. You’ll rest for 15 seconds in between each exercise. Real Mom Model Melissa breaks down each exercise before you begin working. Follow along at your pace  work is work!

More Fitness On: Kettlebell HIIT Workout

10 Sustainable Weight-Loss Tips

There's no fad diet or miracle pill that will change your body overnight, but losing weight is within your reach it just might take a little longer than you'd like. Consider this: when you lose weight at a slow and healthy pace, you'll be more likely to keep it off for good. If you're done with the days of yo-yo dieting, these 10 tips are the emotional stepping stones to a healthier lifestyle.

10 Sustainable Weight-Loss Tips
  1. Start small: Chances are, if in the past, you've tried to change everything all at once, few of your intentions have stuck for good. The answer to staying committed for the long haul is to start small. Make one positive shift every week, instead of overwhelming yourself with a bunch of changes at once.

Fat Blasting Belly Sculpting Workout

Blast belly fat with a 4 Minute Fat Blaster that continues to burn fat up to 24 hours! Next, sculpt the belly with exercises designed to target the entire midsection. The first routine will burn overall body fat while the second tightens and defines the abdominal muscles.

Fat Blasting Belly Sculpting Workout

Equipment needed: Yoga type mat or soft surface; Interval timer.

What to Do: Perform the 4 Minute Fat Blaster by doing each exercise for 20 seconds with 10 seconds rest in between. Complete two circuits. Next, complete the belly sculpting workout below.

12 Dumbbell Exercises For Strong, Chiseled Arms

12 Dumbbell Exercises For Strong, Chiseled Arms

When you want to isolate specific muscle groups in the arms, using dumbbells is truly effective  get ready to feel the burn! Depending on your strength, grab at least two size weights ranging from five to 15 pounds so you can switch up the appropriate size dumbbells for each move.

10 Dumbbell Exercises And Their Benefits

Today’s sedentary lifestyle has made it extremely important for people to exercise regularly. Dumbbell exercises form an essential part of any strength training program. The most important benefit of dumbbell exercises is that along with strengthening the main muscle, it gets you input from other vital stabilising muscles as well.

10 Dumbbell Exercises And Their Benefits

The Best Dumbbell Exercises

Read on to know about top 10 dumbbells exercise and their benefits.

4-Minute Arm and Ab Workout

4-Minute Arm and Ab Workout

Kick your ab workout up a notch by adding weights, and you'll work your upper body at the same time. These four moves will effectively give you that burn that lets you know you worked it!

More Fitness On: 4-Minute Arm and Ab Workout

Killer kettlebell exercises

Kettlebell fans love the heavy, round-shaped weights for a reason kettlebell exercises combine cardio and strength training for a time-saving calorie burn. The amount of calories you can burn using kettlebells can be amazingly high: a study by the American Council on Exercise found that the average person burns 400 calories in 20 minutes when doing kettlebell exercises. More research has found that regularly exercising with kettlebells significantly reduces back, neck, and shoulder pain by strengthening core and upper body muscles.

 Killer kettlebell exercises

Does all that convince you to add more kettlebell to your life? Read on for tips on choosing the right kettlebell and a few calorie-torching exercises to try. And do check out this kettlebell tutorial and workout to learn the basics.

More Fitness On: Killer kettlebell exercises.

Yoga For Strengthening Arms

These four yoga poses will not only keep your mind, body and spirit in line, but also will help you strengthening your arms.

Yoga For Strengthening Arms

Yoga is not only an amazingly spiritual practice that connects you to the mind, body and soul… it also happens to have great physical benefits as well. As someone who is more on the spiritual end of the practice, I don’t want my entire practice to be a big round of sun salutations. I enjoy variety and fluidity within my practice. Kundalini, power yoga, prana power are just a few of the practices I employ to keep my mind, body and spirit in line. Adding these together and creating variety in my routine not only helps me to dig deeper into the philosophy of yoga, but makes me stronger inside and out. These top movements really help me to strengthen my upper body and take my practice to the next level.

More Fitness On: Yoga For Strengthening Arms

What To Wear On A Yoga Retreat

Going to a yoga retreat? These are the essentials you should pack.

What To Wear On A Yoga Retreat

I was lucky to head to Kripalu Center in the Berkshires for a long weekend full of yoga. While I was sick for most of it, I was still able to participate in some more relaxed yoga and workshops. I was happy that I packed some great essentials that kept me warm in the chilly Western Massachusetts air.

More Fitness On: What To Wear On A Yoga Retreat

10 Minute Core Burner Workout

This 10 minutes core workout is perfect for busy moms that want to squeeze some exercise in their day.
This is an extremely quick, yet effective workout that is all about the core.

10 Minute Core Burner Workout

With a strong core in mind, this is focused on a series of exercises that specifically target the abs, obliques, lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.

This workout can be added into your routine after a run or even right before you hop in the shower. Grab a light dumbbell, a medicine ball (if you have it), and complete this circuit burner in the gym or in the comfort of your own home.

7 Tips For Breaking Bad Workout Habits

Follow these 7 essential tips from a professional and experienced personal trainer to make sure your workout routines are effective, consistent and enjoyable.

 7 Tips For Breaking Bad Workout Habits

If you’ve hit a plateau and are no longer seeing results from your workouts, it’s not because you ate too much at lunch, or because you are just not an early riser. Yes, nutrition and exercise are super important, but there may be other habits that are interfering with your goals. Habits that you don’t even realize are sabotaging all your hard work. To make sure you’re getting the most from each sweat session, I will share some tips on how you can set yourself up for a healthy lifestyle and fitness success.

5 Secrets to Slimming Down

learn 5 simple and easy strategies that will keep you not hungry and facilitate your slimming down goal.

5 Secrets to Slimming Down

If you want to feel better, be more confident and have more energy, follow these five secrets to slimming down.

Take 15 minutes on a weekend morning to plan your meals and workouts out for the week.
Fall is here and sweet and savory temptations come along with this colder weather as well.  So instead of hiding behind big sweaters and over indulging, here are five secrets to slimming down for fall.

More Fitness On: 5 Secrets to Slimming Down

Yoga for Foot Pain

Try these yoga poses to help strengthen your feet, improve your alignment, and prevent foot injuries.

 Yoga for Foot Pain

Our feet are our foundation in most yoga poses, but they can also suffer from soreness and injury from improper footwear. Here are some yoga poses that can help to strengthen your feet and ease the tension caused by constant use.

More Fitness On: Yoga for Foot Pain

5 Football Drills to Bring Into Your Workout

Borrow 5 workout techniques from professional football players to improve your workout performance and enhance your physiques.

5 Football Drills to Bring Into Your Workout

Football season is a time for tailgate parties, hot dogs and big vats of chili, and beer. While it is calorie loading for spectators, for the athletes they are all about their workouts and improving their performance and physique.

5 Ways To Lose Weight And Feel Great

Being healthy is not only about what you eat and what you don’t eat. Keeping a healthy mind and a positive attitude is essential for losing weight and feeling awesome.

5 Ways To Lose Weight And Feel Great

A fancy title for an article will often draw you in to reading it and devouring the words found below.

Words such as “weight loss, shed the pounds, and shrink your waist” are so often found in the media and suck people into the rabbit hole of articles on weight loss, looking sexy and having a 6 pack abs.

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