Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Lose Up to 10 Pounds in 30 Days with the 4 Step Weight Loss Challenge

WARNING:  This challenge could result in any or all of the following:

Lose Up to 10 Pounds in 30 Days with the 4 Step Weight Loss Challenge
  • Weight loss of up to 10 pounds
  • Feeling and looking fabulous
  • More restful sleep
  • Self-confidence boost
  • Extra energy
  • Improved mood
  • Could be habit forming

Try our 4 Step Weight Loss Challenge for 30 days and transform your body for a lifetime. Our 4 steps are easy to understand, free of charge, accessible to all ages and fitness levels, and effective.

21 Ways To Lose Ten Pounds In A Week

Losing weight seems an uphill task to many, especially when you need to lose weight in a couple of days. And especially when you need to look good for an upcoming occasion or event. For achieving quick weight loss like ten pounds in a week, people often resort to crash dieting or spend hours sweating out in the gym. In fact, there are countless fad diets that enable you to shed pounds in a couple of days, but they have detrimental effects on your body and health, leaving you sick, hungry and nutrition deprived.

21 Ways To Lose Ten Pounds In A Week

Of course, there are other painless ways to achieve this goal without dieting. All you need to do is maintain a healthy lifestyle comprising of nutrition, fitness, proper sleep and hydration. The best part is that these strategies not only enable you to lose ten pounds in a week’s time, but also help you to maintain a healthy weight in the long run.

More Fitness On: >> 21 Ways To Lose Ten Pounds In A Week <<

Resistance Bands Challenge: Week 2 Legs & Butt

Last week we challenged you with an intense arm workout. This week we’re focusing on tightening that butt and toning those legs. This legs and butt workout is Part II of our 4-Week Resistance Bands Challenge.

Resistance Bands Challenge: Week 2 Legs & Butt

Equipment Needed: resistance band, interval timer, yoga mat or soft surface

Equipment Recommended: Interval Timer (Gymboss is a free app download), Black Mountain Resistance Band Set

More Fitness On: >> Resistance Bands Challenge: Week 2 Legs & Butt <<

HIIT Pyramid Challenge

This workout is a combination of all the essentials you’ll need for the perfect workout. The ladder routine will help strengthen and condition your muscles. Exercises are paired off, so while you work one, the opposing muscle rests. This is the HIIT aspect, where you work nonstop to get fat blasting results.

HIIT Pyramid Challenge

Pyramid workouts help to push your muscles to the limit and this HIIT workout combo will not disappoint.

Equipment Needed: set of light weights (3-5 lbs), yoga mat or soft surface

What to Do: Workouts are paired off. Perform 1 rep of A followed by 1 rep of B. Next perform 2 reps of A followed by 2 reps of B. Continue to add 1 rep. Once you hit 10 for A and B, reverse the number of reps; 9, 8, etc. Rest 30 seconds and jump into the next pair.

More Fitness On: >> HIIT Pyramid Challenge <<

14-Day Kettlebell Challenge

Spice up your workout routine with kettlebells. Dumbbells are standard equipment, but kettlebells are a unique tool with more benefits than dumbbells. Kettlebells force you to use minor muscles to accurately perform each movement. That little bit of extra muscle utilization makes all the difference in fat burning.

14-Day Kettlebell Challenge

Our 14-day kettlebell challenge is designed to help you tone, build muscle, and burn fat at an accelerated pace. Form is everything when using kettlebells. The more solid your form, the better your results. Catch your breath, grab a bell and get ready for a exhilarating challenge!

More Fitness On: >> 14-Day Kettlebell Challenge <<

7-Minute Arm Workout Challenge

Nothing says summer like super-toned arms and a cute and sassy tank top to show them off. But, uh-oh! What if your arms aren’t on board with this master plan? Have you decided they’d look cute in that itty bitty tank dress and they’ve decided that, in fact, that is not going to be the case? Enough already! It’s time to show your arms who’s boss.

7-Minute Arm Workout Challenge

The SkinnyMs. 7-Minute Arm Workout Challenge has the perfect arm workouts to get your top half in gear. Don’t believe us? Check out the simple, yet surprisingly effective moves we’ve compiled below. In the time it takes to hunt in despair for a long-sleeve t-shirt to replace the cute tank dress, you could definitely fit in our 7-minute arm workout instead, and maybe more. Which is a better use of your time? Yes, we thought you might agree.

More Fitness On: >> 7-Minute Arm Workout Challenge <<

8 Yoga Mudras To Overcome Any Ailments

Yoga is not only an exercise but a form of spiritual practice to improve you physical, mental and spiritual well being. 

8 Yoga Mudras To Overcome Any Ailments

It doesn’t only refer to twisting and curling your body into different shapes and poses, but it also involves some specific mudras posed during meditations. Mudras mean gestures adopted during pranayams and meditations that directs flow of energy into our body. Yogic tantras say that these mudra yoga techniques stimulate different areas of the brain.

More Fitness On: >> 8 Yoga Mudras To Overcome Any Ailments <<

10-Minute Leg Burn Challenge

Sexy and toned legs are 10 minutes away. This 10 minute legs challenge will give you a workout and burn that’ll leave your legs feeling weak, but will build them up stronger than ever. Hit all leg muscles front, back and side. Once you master this workout, try some our suggested leg workouts below.

10-Minute Leg Burn Challenge

Equipment Needed: Interval Timer (Gymboss is a free app download), yoga mat or soft surface

What to Do: Review the exercises and videos below. Perform each exercise for 1 minute and perform single leg exercises for 30 seconds each side. No rest in between workouts. Complete this workout twice a week. Looking for a bigger challenge? Complete more rounds.

More Fitness On: >> 10-Minute Leg Burn Challenge <<

Love Handle Challenge

SkinnyMs. challenges you to get rid of those love handles. As moms we have many things to “handle” throughout the day, but OUR “love” handles should NOT be one of them!  Love handles are essentially on the top layer of the back, or latissimus dorsi muscle, not the stomach. So, they are only eliminated by performing back exercises or through proper nutrition.

Love Handle Challenge

So, you are being challenged to eat healthier and exercise to specifically lose those pesky love handles! SkinnyMs. has put together some exercises, foods, as well as advice to get you started to succeed at this month’s challenge!  Below, check out Yoga and Pilates for love handles, on video.

More Fitness On: >>  Love Handle Challenge <<

30-Day Muffin Top Challenge

Muffin tops go all the way around our midsections, and overshadow our waistlines. In order to tone and trim the entire abdominal area, it’s important to perform exercises that target all angles. Our 30-Day Muffin Top Challenge is designed to hit the obliques and ab muscles.

30-Day Muffin Top Challenge

This challenge has 4 workout components to help transform your abs. It includes a fast paced tabata series to burn fat, a full target ab workout, and a plank and yoga series to tighten and strengthen the core muscle. In 30 days, you’ll burn excess fat and reveal more toned abs.

More Fitness On: >> 30-Day Muffin Top Challenge <<

5 Workout Challenges that Will Rock Your World

We’ve designed 5 workout challenges that will absolutely Rock Your World!!! Choose a few, or all 5 of the Challenges, and get started today. 

5 Workout Challenges that Will Rock Your World

You will love the results! We highly recommend following a clean eating plan in order to maximize the effectiveness of all the challenges below. The recipes at SkinnyMs. are all considered clean.

Kettlebell Bootcamp Challenge

Get ready to bring your workout to the next level! If you’ve been stuck in a rut or bored with regular dumbbells, then you need to try more challenging workouts. Trust us, try this Kettlebell Boot Camp Challenge if your goal is to get stronger and leaner faster.

Kettlebell Bootcamp Challenge

This boot camp is designed to challenge your current level of fitness. You can’t keep doing the same exercises and cardio and expect to keep seeing rapid muscle changes.Kettlebells can be intimidating, but let’s face it, they make you feel pretty hard core. This Kettlebell Boot camp Challenge is designed to be a little harder than your usual workouts.

More Fitness On: >>  Kettlebell Bootcamp Challenge <<

What Comes First, Cardio or Weight Lifting

Mixing up your fitness routine is one of the best ways to target multiple muscles, burn fat, and improve your body’s cardiovascular system. From dumbbells, body weight, kettlebells, spinning, treadmills, or ellipticals, a common concern is over which type of exercise to perform first: cardio vs. weightlifting. Cardio after weightlifting has been the general rule for many fitness junkies, since weight lifting requires more exertion of energy from our bodies and most fat burning comes from the building of muscle, while performing cardio first may deplete our energy sources.
What Comes First, Cardio or Weight Lifting

New research suggests that it makes no difference which routine you begin with. In a recent study, volunteers rode a stationary bicycle with only one leg initially. Once they were done they did resistance training using both legs. The results showed that both legs had grown equally stronger. A 2012 study showed that both riding a stationary bike and resistance training cause distinct muscle responses when done separately. However, when both were done together, both muscle responses were present regardless of which form of exercise was done first.


7 Day Ab Challenge

Beautifully defined abs are possible for anyone and at any age. For the next 7 days, you will be doing workouts designed to challenge you and your midsection. There’s more to creating toned and defined abs than crunches…a lot more, read on. After completion of this 7-day challenge, continue doing an ab routine 3 times weekly on non-consecutive days.

7 Day Ab Challenge

For additional tips on uncovering those muscles and getting some gorgeous abs, follow these 7 recommendations:

More Fitness On: >> 7 Day Ab Challenge <<

7-Minute Flat Belly Workout

We have the flat belly workout solution. This super awesome, uber-targeted 7-Minute Flat Belly Workout will leave you feeling slim and trim. And even better? The endorphins it generates will keep a smile on your face and spring in your step. What better way to show off your new trim midriff than with a sassy attitude and confident outlook, right? So what are you waiting for? Let’s do this!

7-Minute Flat Belly Workout

Not only is our 7-Minute Flat Belly Workout super effective, it’s super simple too. It’s a flat belly workout and an anti-workout excuse-buster all rolled into one. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Just scan below for proof. You can pretty much do this quick workout anytime, anywhere. And we’ve included easy-to-follow instructional videos to inspire and energize. 

More Fitness On: 7-Minute Flat Belly Workout

How To Tighten Skin After Weight Loss

We all feel a sense of pride and accomplishment as our healthy eating and our active lifestyles lead to fat burning and weight loss. Our clothing fits better, and our confidence soars. But some of us experience an unexpected side effect of weight loss in the form of loose, sagging skin.

How To Tighten Skin After Weight Loss

Loose skin often presents itself on our bellies, in our underarm area, on our tricep area, and on our necks. If you’d like to firm and tighten skin after weight loss, our tips will allow you to gradually smooth your skin, getting you the look you’ve been working toward.

6 Exercises that Target Upper & Lower Abs

There are few more stubborn areas for women than the abs, but luckily for you, we have a solution! This workout will target your upper and lower abs as well as your obliques, a total core workout. You’ll see results as you blast fat and expose that six-pack, and you’ll reap the added benefit of stabilizing your spine.

6 Exercises that Target Upper & Lower Abs

Your core is made up of three layers. The deep or innermost layer is made up of small muscles that span a single vertebrae, the middle layer consists of muscle that encompass the lower area of the spine, providing stabilization, and the outermost layer consists of powerful, large muscles that are primarily responsible for generating force, and thus movement.  This workout will challenge all layers of your core for a thorough and complete workout that prevents injury, creates the defined look you’re after, and enables you to have a strong mid-section to build the rest of your workouts upon!

How to Run Faster

If you’ve been running for awhile, at some point the runner’s high starts to hit you. Once you get into that zone, you’ll want to run longer and faster. Without proper training, our bodies tend to stay stuck on a plateau. We’ve created this guide on how to run faster to help you take minutes away from your run time.

How to Run Faster

1. Hit Those Hills

Even if you’re running at a steady pace, running up hills will change your body’s conditioning. Try working on hill training 1 out of every 3 days you run. The harder you push up those hills, the stronger your legs will become. Once you start mastering those hills, you’ll scale minutes off your flat run.

More Fitness On: How to Run Faster

HIIT Workout Calendar

Why workout for an hour when you can accomplish your goals in less than half the time? If you’re not familiar with High Intensity Interval Training, you may have been missing out. HIIT routines combine the muscular benefits of weightlifting with the cardio benefits of endurance exercises such as running or spinning. The end result is a workout which makes you stronger but also leaves your metabolism on overdrive, allowing you to burn fat throughout the day.

HIIT Workout Calendar

This calendar focuses on HIIT workouts to give you fat blasting and body toning results in just 4 weeks. You’ll be sweating, sore, and out of breath, but most importantly, you’ll notice an amazing change once the 4 weeks are up. Each week has a variety of 6 HIIT workouts all meant to target various areas of your body. Some workouts focus on specific body parts which will give you an amazing burn, but the circuit exercises will be the real challenge!

More Fitness On: HIIT Workout Calendar

Best 3 Workouts to Melt Your Muffin Top

Muffin tops are resilient! No matter how clean we eat and how often we exercise, love handles refuse to shape up. No longer! The Best 3 Workouts to Melt Your Muffin Top are easy, short, and intense just what you need to get your body flushing fat. There’s no time wasted with these workouts. 

Best 3 Workouts to Melt Your Muffin Top

We know how precious your time is. Start with the routine you’re most comfortable with. Mix it up. You’ll feel amazing and keep your metabolism working to melt that fat away.

1. 8 Exercises to Blast Muffin Top Fat
Burn fat all over with this fast paced, muscle toning workout.

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